Ministry of 
Dwight & Mary Kay Martin
in Thailand

Our ministry  provides three important structural crossties so the Church remains strong and can grow and develop for the Glory of God.

Research - Present relevant information about the Body of Christ so the unreached can hear the Good News.

Resources - Provide Christian tools and materials in local languages to build up the Body of Christ so the culture can be reached.

Relationships - Promote interaction and unity between people and organizations so the Gospel can be spread more effectively


Provide Christian tools and materials in local languages to build up the Body of Christ so the culture can be reached.

Millions of Christians worldwide have little or no access to Christian materials. 

Using print on demand and digital library technology, a wealth of resources such as Christian books, commentaries, Bible studies, sermons, songs, children’s lessons, crafts, and training materials can be put into the hands of pastors and church members.


Promote interaction and unity between people and organizations so the Gospel can be spread more effectively.

Free In Jesus Christ Church Association

President of the Board of Advisors
Church Plantnig Movement that is reaching thousands of Thai people and hundreds of villages every year with the Gospel

CLC Thailand

Chairman of the Board 
Evangelical literature so Thai people may come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ